


Argoul CM , Dauwe  Y, Lakhal  L,  Toutain  PL , Picard-Hagen  N , Gayrard  V , Lacroix  Development of an LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous quantification of 11 perfluoroalkyl compounds in mouse plasma for toxicokinetic applications. J Pharm Biomed Anal 2024, 255:116596. doi: 10.1016/j.jpba.2024.116596.

Bozec J, Rousseau-Ralliard D, Jouneau L, Prézelin A, Dahirel M, Richard C, Gelin V, Fournier N, Helies V, Joly T, El Fouikar S, Léandri R, Chavatte-Palmer P, Couturier-Tarrade. A Preconception and/or preimplantation exposure to a mixture of environmental contaminants altered fetoplacental development and placental function in a rabbit model. Environ Res. 2024, 262(Pt 1):119829. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2024.119829.

Rousseau-Ralliard D, Bozec J, Ouidir M, Jovanovic N, Gayrard V, Mellouk N, Dieudonné MN, Picard-Hagen N, Flores-Sanabria MJ, Jammes H, Philippat C, Couturier-Tarrade A. Short-Half-Life Chemicals: Maternal Exposure and Offspring Health Consequences-The Case of Synthetic Phenols, Parabens, and Phthalates. Toxics. 2024, 12(10):710. doi: 10.3390/toxics12100710.

El Fouikar S, Van Acker N, Héliès V, Frenois FX, Giton F, Gayrard V, Dauwe Y, Mselli-Lakhal L, Rousseau-Ralliard D, Fournier N, Léandri R, Gatimel N. Folliculogenesis and steroidogenesis alterations after chronic exposure to a human-relevant mixture of environmental toxicants spare the ovarian reserve in the rabbit model. J Ovarian Res. 2024;17(1):134. doi: 10.1186/s13048-024-01457-6

Dauwe Y, Mary L, Oliviero F, Dubois L, Rousseau-Bacquie E, Gomez J, Gayrard V, Mselli-Lakhal L. Synergistic Steatosis Induction in Mice: Exploring the Interactions and Underlying Mechanisms between PFOA and Tributyltin. Cells. 2024;13(11):940. doi: 10.3390/cells13110940.

Vom Saal FS, Antoniou M, Belcher SM, Bergman A, Bhandari RK, Birnbaum LS, Cohen A, Collins TJ, Demeneix B, Fine AM, Flaws JA, Gayrard V, Goodson WH 3rd, Gore AC, Heindel JJ, Hunt PA, Iguchi T, Kassotis CD, Kortenkamp A, Mesnage R, Muncke J, Myers JP, Nadal A, Newbold RR, Padmanabhan V, Palanza P, Palma Z, Parmigiani S, Patrick L, Prins GS, Rosenfeld CS, Skakkebaek NE, Sonnenschein C, Soto AM, Swan SH, Taylor JA, Toutain PL, von Hippel FA, Welshons WV, Zalko D, Zoeller RT. The Conflict between Regulatory Agencies over the 20,000-Fold Lowering of the Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) for Bisphenol A (BPA) by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Environ Health Perspect. 2024;132(4):45001. doi: 10.1289/EHP13812.

Denis-Robichaud J, Nicola I, Chupin H, Roy JP, Buczinski S, Fauteux V, Picard-Hagen N, Cue R, Dubuc J. Herd-level associations between the proportion of elevated prepartum nonesterified fatty acid concentrations and postpartum diseases, reproduction, or culling on dairy farms. JDS Commun. 2024; 15;5(3):210-214. doi: 10.3168/jdsc.2023-0510

Monrose  M , Holota  H , Martinez  G , Damon-Soubeyrand  C, Thirouard  L , Martinot  E , Battistelli  E , de Haze  A , Bravard  S , Tamisier  C , Caira  F , Coutton  C, Barbotin  AL , Boursier  A , Lakhal  L, Beaudoin  C , Volle  DH. Constitutive Androstane Receptor Regulates Germ Cell Homeostasis, Sperm Quality, and Male Fertility via Akt-Foxo1 Pathway. Adv Sci (Weinh) 2024; 43:e2402082. doi: 10.1002/advs.202402082.




Gély Ca, Picard-Hagen N., Chassan M., Garrigues J.C., Gayrard V., Lacroix M.Z. 2023. Contribution of Reliable Chromatographic Data in QSAR for Modelling Bisphenol Transport across the Human Placenta Barrier. Molecules 28: 500 (FI2021: 4.927).

Chansel-Debordeaux L, Carles M, Moreau J, Depuydt C, Gallo S, Genvrin E, Léandri R, Gatimel N. How and when to measure pH in IVF culture media: validation of a portable blood gas analyzer in two IVF culture dishes for time lapse and conventional incubators.. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2023, 1677-1687. doi: 10.1007/s10815-023-02828-6.

Is in vitro maturation of oocytes retrieved ex vivo from ovarian tissue an effective fertility preservation technique in the presence of organic ovarian cysts? Bourg M, Moreau J, Carles M, Cadoret F, Lesourd F, Tournier A, Léandri RD, Gatimel N. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2023 Feb;281:87-91. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2022.12.025. Epub 2022 Dec 27.

Portugal Fr, Lacroix Mz, Roques Bb, Gayrard V, Toutain Pl, Bousquet-Mélou A. 2023. Doxycycline serum protein binding in pigs reveals a relatively high free fraction. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 46: 112-118 (FI2021: 1.567).

El Fouikar S., Duranthon V., Helies V., Jammes H., Couturier-Tarrade A., Gayrard V., Van Acker N., Frenois F.X. , Archilla C., Rousseau-Ralliard D., Gatimel N., Léandri R. Multigenerational Effects of a Complex Human-Relevant Exposure during Folliculogenesis and Preimplantation Embryo Development: The FEDEXPO Study. Toxics 2023, 11(5), 425;

Dauwe Y., Mary L., Oliviero F., Grimaldi M., Balaguer P., Gayrard V., Mselli-Lakhal L. Steatosis and Metabolic Disorders Associated with Synergistic Activation of the CAR/RXR Heterodimer by Pesticides. Cells 2023, 12(8), 1201;

Oliviero  F , Klement  W , Mary  L , Dauwe  Y , Lippi  Y , Naylies  C , Gayrard  V, Marchi  N , Mselli-Lakhal  L. CAR Protects Females from Diet-Induced Steatosis and Associated Metabolic Disorders. Cells 2023, 12(18):2218. doi: 10.3390/cells12182218.

Gély, C.A., Lacroix, M.Z., Roques, B.B., Toutain, P.-L., Gayrard, V., Picard-Hagen, N., 2023. Comparison of toxicokinetic properties of eleven analogues of Bisphenol A in pig after intravenous and oral administrations. Environ. Int. 171, 107722.

Stoffels, C.B.A., Angerer, T.B., Robert, H., Poupin, N., Lakhal, L., Frache, G., Mercier-Bonin, M., Audinot, J.-N., 2023. Lipidomic Profiling of PFOA-Exposed Mouse Liver by Multi-Modal Mass Spectrometry Analysis. Anal. Chem. 95, 6568–6576.

Gayrard  V, Viguie  C , Cabaton  N , Person  E , Zalko  E , Grandin  F , Berrebi  A , Metsu  D, Toutain  PL, Picard-Hagen  N. Importance of relative binding of bisphenol A and bisphenol S to plasma proteins for predicting their in vivo potencies. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2023, 466:116477. doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2023.116477




Oliviero F., Marmugi A., Viguié C., Gayrard V., Picard-Hagen N., Mselli-Lakhal L. 2022. Are BPA Substitutes as Obesogenic as BPA. International Journal of Molecular Science 2022, 23, 4238.

Pre- and Postnatal Dietary Exposure to a Pesticide Cocktail Disrupts Ovarian Functions in 8-Week-Old Female Mice. Dopavogui L, Cadoret F, Loison G, El Fouikar S, Frenois FX, Giton F, Ellero-Simatos S, Lasserre F, Polizzi A, Rives C, Loiseau N, Léandri RD, Gatimel N, Gamet-Payrastre L. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Jul 7;23(14):7525. doi: 10.3390/ijms23147525.

Guignard D. Canlet C., Tremblay-Franco M., Chaillou E., Gautier R., Gayrard V., Picard-Hagen N., Schroeder H., Jourdan F., Zalko D., Viguié C., Cabaton N. 2022. Gestational exposure to bisphenol A induces region-specific changes in brain metabolomic fingerprints in sheep. Environment International 165: 107336.

Nicola I, Chupin H, Roy JP, Buczinski S, Fauteux V, Picard-Hagen N, Cue R, Dubuc J. Association between prepartum nonesterified fatty acid serum concentrations and postpartum diseases in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 2022;105(11):9098-9106. doi: 10.3168/jds.2022-22014.

Beausoleil C, Le Magueresse-Battistoni B, Viguié C, Babajko S, Canivenc- Lavier MC, Chevalier N, Emond C, Habert R, Picard-Hagen N, Mhaouty-Kodja S. Regulatory and academic studies to derive reference values for human health: The case of bisphenol S. Environ Res. 2022;204(Pt C):112233. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112233.



Gély C.A., Huesca A., Picard-Hagen N., Toutain P.L., Berrebi A., Gauderat G., Gayrard V., Lacroix M.Z. A new LC/MS method for specific determination of human systemic exposure to bisphenol A, F and S through their metabolites: Application to cord blood samples. Environment International 2021;151: 106429.

Gatimel N, Moreau J, Bettiol C, Parinaud J, Léandri RD. Semi-automated versus manual embryo vitrification: inter-operator variability, time-saving, and clinical outcomes.. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2021, 38(12):3213-3222. doi: 10.1007/s10815-021-02346-3.

Moreau J., Gatimel N., Lippi Y., Tavenier G., Fauque P., Guilleman M., Naylies C., Huesca A.A., Gayrard V., Parinaud J., Leandri R.D. Impact of the polycarbonate strippers used in assisted reproduction techniques on embryonic development. Human Reproduction 2021; 36: 331-339.

Gayrard V., Moreau J., Picard-Hagen N., Helies V., Marchand P., Antignac J.-P., Toutain P.-L., Leandri R. Use of Mixture Dosing and Nonlinear Mixed Effect Modeling of Eight Environmental Contaminants in Rabbits to Improve Extrapolation Value of Toxicokinetic Data. Environmental Health Perspectives 2021; 129, 117006.

Gély C.A., Lacroix M.Z., Morin M., Vayssière C., Gayrard V., Picard-Hagen N. Comparison of the materno-fetal transfer of fifteen structurally related bisphenol analogues using an ex vivo human placental perfusion model. Chemosphere 2021 276: 130213.

Barretto SA, Lasserre F, Huillet M, Régnier M, Polizzi A, Lippi Y, Fougerat A, Person E, Bruel S, Bétoulières C, Naylies C, Lukowicz C, Smati S, Guzylack L, Olier M, Théodorou V, Mselli-Lakhal L, Zalko D, Wahli W, Loiseau N, Gamet- Payrastre L, Guillou H, Ellero-Simatos S. The pregnane X receptor drives sexually dimorphic hepatic changes in lipid and xenobiotic metabolism in response to gut microbiota in mice. Microbiome. 2021 Apr 20;9(1):93. doi: 10.1186/s40168-021-01050-9.

Gamarra G, Lacaze S, Gouache E, Leroy N, Picard-Hagen N. Ovum pick- up/<in vitro embryo production (OPU-IVP), an alternative means for infertile or bad donor cows to produce embryos. Reprod Fertil Dev. 2021;34(2):238-239. doi: 10.1071/RDv34n2Ab9.

Pruvost-Couvreur M, Picard-Hagen N, Le Bizec B, Rivière G. Lifetime dietary exposure to bisphenol A in the general population and during pregnancy: Foetal exposure and health risk assessment. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2021; 234:113733. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2021.113733.

Illa M, Pla L, Berdún S, Mir M, Lourdes R, Dulay S, Picard-Hagen N, Samitier J, Gratacós E, Eixarch E. Miniaturized electrochemical sensors to monitor fetal hypoxia and acidosis in a pregnant sheep model. Biomedicines 2021; 9: 1344. (5-Y IF: 5.2, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 62/297, Q2).



Babajko, S., Gayrard, V., Houari, S., Thu Bui, A., Barouki, R., Niederreither, K., Fini, J.-B., Dursun, E., Coumoul, X., 2020. Oral cavity as a target and a marker of environmental exposures: developmental dental defects. Med Sci (Paris) 36, 225–230.

Gayrard, V., Lacroix, M.Z., Gély, C.A., Grandin, F.C., Léandri, R., Bouchard, M., Roques, B., Toutain, P.-L., Picard-Hagen, N., 2020. Toxicokinetics of bisphenol S in rats for predicting human bisphenol S clearance from allometric scaling. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 386, 114845.

Guillard, A., Gaultier, E., Cartier, C., Devoille, L., Noireaux, J., Chevalier, L., Morin, M., Grandin, F., Lacroix, M.Z., Coméra, C., Cazanave, A., de Place, A., Gayrard, V., Bach, V., Chardon, K., Bekhti, N., Adel-Patient, K., Vayssière, C., Fisicaro, P., Feltin, N., de la Farge, F., Picard-Hagen, N., Lamas, B., Houdeau, E., 2020. Basal Ti level in the human placenta and meconium and evidence of a materno-foetal transfer of food-grade TiO2 nanoparticles in an ex vivo placental perfusion model. Part Fibre Toxicol 17, 51.

Khmiri, I., Côté, J., Mantha, M., Khemiri, R., Lacroix, M., Gely, C., Toutain, P.-L., Picard-Hagen, N., Gayrard, V., Bouchard, M., 2020. Toxicokinetics of bisphenol-S and its glucuronide in plasma and urine following oral and dermal exposure in volunteers for the interpretation of biomonitoring data. Environ Int 138, 105644.

Klement, W., Oliviero, F., Gangarossa, G., Zub, E., De Bock, F., Forner-Piquer, I., Blaquiere, M., Lasserre, F., Pascussi, J.-M., Maurice, T., Audinat, E., Ellero-Simatos, S., Gamet-Payrastre, L., Mselli-Lakhal, L., Marchi, N., 2020. Life-long Dietary Pesticide Cocktail Induces Astrogliosis Along with Behavioral Adaptations and Activates p450 Metabolic Pathways. Neuroscience 446, 225–237.

Metsu, D., Lanot, T., Fraissinet, F., Concordet, D., Gayrard, V., Averseng, M., Ressault, A., Martin-Blondel, G., Levade, T., Février, F., Chatelut, E., Delobel, P., Gandia, P., 2020. Comparing ultrafiltration and equilibrium dialysis to measure unbound plasma dolutegravir concentrations based on a design of experiment approach. Sci Rep 10, 12265.

Oliviero, F., Lukowicz, C., Boussadia, B., Forner-Piquer, I., Pascussi, J.-M., Marchi, N., Mselli-Lakhal, L., 2020. Constitutive Androstane Receptor: A Peripheral and a Neurovascular Stress or Environmental Sensor. Cells 9.

Smith, L., Klément, W., Dopavogui, L., de Bock, F., Lasserre, F., Barretto, S., Lukowicz, C., Fougerat, A., Polizzi, A., Schaal, B., Patris, B., Denis, C., Feuillet, G., Canlet, C., Jamin, E.L., Debrauwer, L., Mselli-Lakhal, L., Loiseau, N., Guillou, H., Marchi, N., Ellero-Simatos, S., Gamet-Payrastre, L., 2020. Perinatal exposure to a dietary pesticide cocktail does not increase susceptibility to high-fat diet-induced metabolic perturbations at adulthood but modifies urinary and fecal metabolic fingerprints in C57Bl6/J mice. Environ Int 144, 106010.

Viguié, C., Chaillou, E., Gayrard, V., Picard-Hagen, N., Fowler, P.A., 2020. Toward a better understanding of the effects of endocrine disrupting compounds on health: Human-relevant case studies from sheep models. Mol Cell Endocrinol 505, 110711.

Lukowicz C, Ellero-Simatos S, Régnier M, Oliviero F, Lasserre F, Polizzi A, Montagner A, Smati S, Boudou F, Lenfant F, Guzylack-Pirou L, Menard S, Barretto S, Fougerat A, Lippi Y, Naylies C, Bertrand-Michel J, Belgnaoui AA, Theodorou V, Marchi N, Gourdy P, Gamet-Payrastre L, Loiseau N, Guillou H, Mselli-Lakhal L. Author Correction: Dimorphic metabolic and endocrine disorders in mice lacking the constitutive androstane receptor. Sci Rep. 2020 Mar 3;10(1):4256. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-61226-5. Erratum for: Sci Rep. 2019 Dec 27;9(1):20169. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-56570-0.



Barretto, S.A., Lasserre, F., Fougerat, A., Smith, L., Fougeray, T., Lukowicz, C., Polizzi, A., Smati, S., Régnier, M., Naylies, C., Bétoulières, C., Lippi, Y., Guillou, H., Loiseau, N., Gamet-Payrastre, L., Mselli-Lakhal, L., Ellero-Simatos, S., 2019. Gene Expression Profiling Reveals that PXR Activation Inhibits Hepatic PPARα Activity and Decreases FGF21 Secretion in Male C57Bl6/J Mice. Int J Mol Sci 20.

Deceuninck, Y., Bichon, E., Gény, T., Veyrand, B., Grandin, F., Viguié, C., Marchand, P., Le Bizec, B., 2019. Quantitative method for conjugated metabolites of bisphenol A and bisphenol S determination in food of animal origin by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry. J Chromatogr A 1601, 232–242.

Gayrard, V., Lacroix, M.Z., Grandin, F.C., Collet, S.H., Mila, H., Viguié, C., Gély, C.A., Rabozzi, B., Bouchard, M., Léandri, R., Toutain, P.-L., Picard-Hagen, N., 2019. Oral Systemic Bioavailability of Bisphenol A and Bisphenol S in Pigs. Environ. Health Perspect. 127, 77005.

Grandin, F.C., Gayrard, V., Picard-Hagen, N., Toutain, P.-L., 2019. Comment on “Toxicokinetics of bisphenol A, bisphenol S, and bisphenol F in a pregnancy sheep model.” Chemosphere 227, 703–704.

Grandin, F.C., Lacroix, M.Z., Gayrard, V., Viguié, C., Mila, H., de Place, A., Vayssière, C., Morin, M., Corbett, J., Gayrard, C., Gely, C.A., Toutain, P.-L., Picard-Hagen, N., 2019. Is bisphenol S a safer alternative to bisphenol A in terms of potential fetal exposure ? Placental transfer across the perfused human placenta. Chemosphere 221, 471–478.

Lukowicz, C., Ellero-Simatos, S., Régnier, M., Oliviero, F., Lasserre, F., Polizzi, A., Montagner, A., Smati, S., Boudou, F., Lenfant, F., Guzylack-Pirou, L., Menard, S., Barretto, S., Fougerat, A., Lippi, Y., Naylies, C., Bertrand-Michel, J., Belgnaoui, A.A., Theodorou, V., Marchi, N., Gourdy, P., Gamet-Payrastre, L., Loiseau, N., Guillou, H., Mselli-Lakhal, L., 2019. Dimorphic metabolic and endocrine disorders in mice lacking the constitutive androstane receptor. Sci Rep 9, 20169.

Rivière, G., Jean, J., Gorecki, S., Hulin, M., Kolf-Clauw, M., Feidt, C., Picard-Hagen, N., Vasseur, P., Le Bizec, B., Sirot, V., 2019. Dietary exposure to perfluoroalkyl acids, brominated flame retardants and health risk assessment in the French infant total diet study. Food Chem Toxicol 131, 110561.

Serra, H., Beausoleil, C., Habert, R., Minier, C., Picard-Hagen, N., Michel, C., 2019. Evidence for Bisphenol B Endocrine Properties: Scientific and Regulatory Perspectives. Environ Health Perspect 127, 106001.

Rathahao-Paris E, Alves S, Boussaid N, Picard-Hagen N, Gayrard V, Toutain PL, Tabet JC, Rutledge DN, Paris A. Evaluation and validation of an analytical approach for high-throughput metabolomic fingerprinting using direct introduction-high-resolution mass spectrometry: Applicability to classification of urine of scrapie-infected ewes. Eur J Mass Spectrom (Chichester). 2019, 25:251-258. doi: 10.1177/1469066718806450.


Véronique GAYRARD
Responsable Equipe EXPER Exposition, Perturbation Endocrino-métabolique et ReproductionUMR 1331 TOXALIM-ENVT
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F-31076 TOULOUSE, France

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